How to report new Country fiche
To report a new Country fiche for your Member State, please follow the instructions below:
- Fork the INSPIRE-in-your-Country repository (For more information, see “Working with forks”).
- In the forked repository, create a new Markdown .md file in the folder related to your country, e.g. /INSPIRE-in-your-Country/AT/Country_fiches/ (For more information, see “Creating new files”), with the following characteristics:
- the file name should follow the following naming structure “<MS-code>-Country_fiche-<Year>.md” (e.g.
- the document structure should follow the country fiche template (you can copy/paste the markdown syntax).
- Edit your new country fiche and commit your changes (For more information on the use of the Markdown syntax, see “Basic writing and formatting syntax”), in particular:
- make sure that links are encoded using the proper syntax, i.e. [link text](URL), otherwise, they are not converted as hyperlinks by GitHub pages.
- to insert an image, create a folder “images” in your “Country_fiches” folder, upload the image and refer to it using the following syntax: 
- When finished, create a pull request to propose changes you’ve made to the fork of the INSPIRE-in-your-Country repository (For more information, see “Creating a pull request from a fork”).
Use the Issue tracker to report issues with this procedure.